Tuesday, January 25, 2011

All a dream - Wacky Web Tales

Wacky Web Tales

All a Dream

I fell asleep yesterday listening to an old album that my mom had. I really enjoyed it, though I had a weird dream. It was kind of like one of the old songs.
I've been workin' in Everland,
All the bright day.
I've been workin' in Everland,
Just to pass the time away.
Don't you hear the whistle singing?
Rise up so early in the morn.
Don't you hear IU shouting
Mary, dance your horn? ”
Mary, won't you dance,
Mary, won't you dance,
Mary, won't you dance your horn?
Mary, won't you dance,
Mary, won't you dance,
Mary, won't you dance your horn?
Someone's in the 608-1 with Mary.
Someone's in the 608-1, I know.
Someone's in the 608-1 with Mary
Strumming on the old electric guitar.
It was the weirdest dream I've had in a long time!

"What an odd story!!"

My favorite music

IU's 'Good day'
This song is one of my favorite songs. Not like all the idols, IU has a great vocal skill.She is also cute and has her own style for singing. She sang 'Boo' 'Marshmello' ' Nagging' and  'It's you' too. IU is now the most popular singer in Korea. She earned 50 hundred million won this year. Wow! I wish there are more singer like her.

Dance Audition Again!!

Last time we had an audition for the dance party but this time we have an another dance audition for the farewell party.Last time we passed with Girl's Generation's 'Hoot'.This time we prepared Kara's 'Jumping'.
I wish we pass this audition like last time.
→Girl's Generation's 'Hoot'

→Kara's 'Jumping'

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ode to home

Dear home

I want to see you
I can't live 30days without you

I'm sorry that left you behind
I'm sorry that I never cared about you

When I was young you were only a place4 that I live
But now you are like a member of my family

I'll never see you again
Because I moved to Busan
I'm sorry
I'm going to miss you

I'll never forget
Because you are the place I cried, place I felt happy and a place I grow like this

I love you
But good bye...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Diamonte Poem

thick, square
reading, publishing, flipping
paper, word, electricity, world
typing, clicking, posting
flat, smart

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Class 23

Daily life in GLPS

※1st person
I woke up at 7. I ate a toast for my breakfast. I always go to Da San building because our adviser teacher's office is there.

※2nd person
You have a history class. You listen to your classmates' presentations. You don't do yours because you finished it yesterday.

※3rd person
She had a Writing class after History. Now, she is at Chung Moo building, typing on her blog. She is really hungry. She's waiting for lunchtime.


Wacky Web Tales-Dear Diary

Wacky Web Tales®
Dear Diary,
Today was the most happy day at school! Hermione didn't speak to me all day. I always forgot my homework for math class. My new friend Edward isn't talking to me anymore. And to top it all off, I forgot my lunch, so I had to borrow money to buy lunch. I hate borrowing money, I hate forgetting my homework, and I hate it when my friends don't talk to me! OMG!! I hope tomorrow is a better day!
Dear Diary,
Everything was much better today. Hermione wasn't mad at me; she was just upset because her parents would not let her go to a party. She was sad toward everyone. My math teacher said she'd only take one point off my homework because this was the only time I'd ever forgotten anything. She said everyone makes dissapointed mistakes sometimes. My new friend Edward is talking to me. He was just busy helping out a sick friend. He had to gather all of his friend's homework. My friend who loaned me the money for lunch yesterday said I didn't have to pay him back, because I had loaned him money for lunch a while ago. I hope every day is a good as today!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Daily Diary...

Later, we have an audition!It's for our dance party^6^
As I told you before, our room-mates are doing Girl's Generation's 'Hoot'.
We practiced for 2weeks...I wish we have a good result.
주연, Thank you for teaching us the song~
다경, Nice job!
서희, Good moves^^
수민, Fast learner#cute moves♥
정윤, Fast player!...(really fast)
Promise me never to give up!!!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Diamante Poems

happy, delicous
melting, tasting, eating
kid, cookie, fruit, tree
peeling, biting, swallowing
sweet, round

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

S.A.T. Style Reflective Essay: "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

This monk is trying to teach his student a lesson by making him do as same the student did to the animals. The student tried to save them all but only one animal, a frog, was alive. I think it isn't a good lesson because even if this student gets his student, what if he's hurt? He was only a student who was young. If the punishmant has to be same as he deserve, he has to dye but he can't. So, if I am the monk I will give him a punishment that will not hurt his body  but keep the punishment in his mind. For exemple, the punishment can be "Go and save the animals, if you can't that means you are a mudered a living creature.The budda will never accept you." As a little amature monk, the kid will be so depressed he might get a valuable lesson to never kill a living thing nor bully the smaller ones than you. I give punishment because learning by your heart is better than learning with pain. Although the monk tried two of them at the same time, I think one is enough for this kid. I experienced this at school. One time I had to duck walk around the school. However, I didn't get the lesson, I only thought the teacher was mean. I had another experience last year. Our made us close our eyes and talked about what we did wrong in kind words. It worked a little to me. So, as I mentioned, I think the monk's punishment was too hard for his young student. Still, it might have been a good punishment for adults.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Writing Chain 'Volcano Cat' by class 23

 It doesn't make any sense because traveling time is impossible. It turned out really more creative when all of us wrote in turns. However, it did changed a lot. I was thinking about a horror story, but it was changed into a fantasy horror story. If I was the one who finished it, I would have made it really scary.

+Volcano Cat+
 It was a dark stormy night. A girl was walking on a street. The street was very dark because there were no lights. The girl walked across the street and went into a market called 'Volcano Day'. When she was inside, she said "Hello? Someone there?". Nobody was there. Then she heard a cat's cry. She turned around but nothing was there. She thought it was a mistake. So, she walked a step forward when an another "Mioeww"
ecoed. Now, she was really worried. "Cat? Cat? Mieoww~ are you there?". The girl glanced around. There was a tiny kitten with a dark black fur. The kitten moved its paws up and down as it said "Come over here."
The girl was curious, and felt something funny. She glanced down and fallowed the kitten's foot prints. As she fallowed down , she came to an alley with only one light coming from a warm house. The cat again moved its paws. The girl went inside the warm house. The cat's foot prints stopped in front of a fireplace. The girl was so cold she didn't even ask the permission to the house owner and walked to the fireplace to sit down. As she sat by the fireplace she remembered what her mother said to buy at the market. In the list there was a black cat. Very strane. How can there be a cat in the market? Then the girl remembered that she was with the black cat. Also, she remembered that she didn't ask the owner of the houseto come inthe house. She said, "Hello...? Is somebody in the house? Sorry to come in with no words.." but there was no reply. The girl, who was very young , was a little scared. She thought for a moment to go and search the house, or get out of here. Then, the black cat meowed quietly to the girl. It seemed to say "Don't go... Please!" The girl froze. She decided to search the house. She went up the stairs, ieaving the fireplace. She felt a sudden cold. However, she didn't think about it, and continued to go up. The sound of the stairs was the only noise in the house. She was more scared when she went up. She tried to turn but she couldn't because all the rooms were black. She went down to the living room but the living roomwas already changed into black. She felt 'Horror' for the first time. She quickly ran out but there was a white world instead of people and the town. She got really scared. she caught the cat's nape and shouted. "What are you doing? Where are my parents? Where is my town? Please....Please!!" The girl cried in sorrow. Suddenly, the cat opened its mouth and spoke." Unice reply. I hope you do not misunderstand the situation. I saved you."

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

#1 Camp story...GLPS

Today is the second day of my real camp life. Most classes are interesting. This blog is made because of my writing class. However, I think I'll use this after camp. I'm really hungry right now. It's almost lunch time. Yum~
There are lot of camp activities but I think the English Song Contest and the Dance Party will be the most interesting ones.
I wish all the activities and classes end safelyand happily♥