Tuesday, January 11, 2011

S.A.T. Style Reflective Essay: "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

This monk is trying to teach his student a lesson by making him do as same the student did to the animals. The student tried to save them all but only one animal, a frog, was alive. I think it isn't a good lesson because even if this student gets his student, what if he's hurt? He was only a student who was young. If the punishmant has to be same as he deserve, he has to dye but he can't. So, if I am the monk I will give him a punishment that will not hurt his body  but keep the punishment in his mind. For exemple, the punishment can be "Go and save the animals, if you can't that means you are a mudered a living creature.The budda will never accept you." As a little amature monk, the kid will be so depressed he might get a valuable lesson to never kill a living thing nor bully the smaller ones than you. I give punishment because learning by your heart is better than learning with pain. Although the monk tried two of them at the same time, I think one is enough for this kid. I experienced this at school. One time I had to duck walk around the school. However, I didn't get the lesson, I only thought the teacher was mean. I had another experience last year. Our made us close our eyes and talked about what we did wrong in kind words. It worked a little to me. So, as I mentioned, I think the monk's punishment was too hard for his young student. Still, it might have been a good punishment for adults.

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